How to install CinemaHD on Mac
If you are using MAC and want to install CinemaHD on MAC then you have to follow some steps:
- First of all, you have to check that your MAC device has a minimum free space of 1GB.
- 2 GB RAM is essential.
- High-speed WIFI is necessary.
- Make sure that you already have the file of CinemaHD Latest APK on your device. The Download Link is given below.
On MAC we will use the Andriod app of CinemaHD only.
Method 1
In method 1 For the installation of CinemaHD on MAC, we will use Andriod Emulator. You can easily use either Bluestacks or NoxPlayer.
- Click Here for the downloading of Bluestacks Offline setup.
- Click Here for the download of the Nox Player Offline setup.
For this purpose, you can easily use any Andriod Emulator. To install CinemaHD on MAC the guidance about this is given below:
- Launch the Andriod Emulator on your MacBook.
- On the interface of the Emulator Drag and drop the Andriod Emulator downloaded file of CinemaHD APK. If you are using Bluestacks 5 Andriod Emulator. If you do not want to drag and drop then you have to select the Install APK.
- On-screen you will see installation instructions. To continue the process follow the same.
- After some time installation process will be completed.
- On the home screen of the Android Emulator, you will see the icon of CinemaHD Android APK.
Note that the CinemaHD APK file provided in this post will work with MAC OS X Maverick/ OS X EI Capitan / Yosemite / High Sierra.
Method 02
Install CinemaHD App on MAC with Archon Runtime on chrome
If you do not want to use Android Emulator then you can easily use the Archon runtime extension provided for Google Chrome Browser.
Part 01: Install the Archon extension on Chrome
- Click HERE to download the Archon Runtime ZIP file.
- Unzip the File.
- Launch Google Chrome go to MENU then MORE TOOLS and then EXTENSIONS.
- On Chrome enable Developer Mode.
- Click on the Load Unpacked Extension option.
- Choose the unzip file of Archon and Browse.
- Now the installation of the Archon extension for Chrome will start.
- During installation, ignore the error that you are seeing
Part 02: Convert CinemaHD APK File into Chrome supported File
- Click HERE to download the ChroemOS APK tool.
- After installation of ChromeOS launch the Command Prompt.
- Again go to the extension of Google Chrome, Remember that Developer Mode is enabled.
- Click on Load Unpacked Extension and choose the converted APK file of CinemaHD.
- Now on the Chrome Browser CinemaHD appears as an extension.
- For using the app click on the RUN.
- All the process is completed now, Enjoy the Movies and TV shows and other streaming on CinemaHD.