Why sometimes server become died on CinemaHD ‘Error Fixed’
Many of the users are facing this error on CinemaHD. The cause of this is to many people using this app at once. The simple steps are given below to solve this error. You will not feel difficulty in solving this error.
Solution of that error
1. Use Official CinemaHD
If you are using the official CinemaHD then you will never face this error. In the official version ads are present in it. For your convenient download link of Official CinemaHD is given below.
2. Use AD free CinemaHD
There are many ad free version are available for this app. But all the AD free version are not Official. The link which you are showing below download this and see the Server has Died error solve or not.
3. Updated this on your device
If you are already using the official or correct version of this app on your device. Then check are you have received any update. If you have received any update then update it immediately. After updating you will never see the Server has died error.
4. Clear cache and re- install both are same
- Go to your device setting and click on clear cache and clear data for CinemaHD. After clearing this Server has died issue Resolved.
- After clearing the cache error is showing then first uninstall this app and again install the app on your device.
- If you are installing the new version of this app then check the previous version of this all the files which are linked with CinemaHD you have un install from your device.